Become a Driving Instructor
Access Driving Instuctor Training


Access Driving Instructor Training. Become a Driving Instructor in Hinckley or Leicester.

Access Instructor Training is a successful family run business which, has been operating for over 26 years. Offering the complete package for anyone considering a career as a Driving Instructor in Hinckley, Leicester and Leicestershire. We have excelled in both fields of learner tuition and Driving Instructor training. Competitive training fees, pay as you go. 100% commitment to you, nowhere throughout the Industry in training Driving Instructors will you find a team who will be more committed to your success. Tried and tested teaching techniques. preparation, presentation, application, and evaluation, a training programme that is engaging, relevant, and effective. Access Driving Instructor Training is one of the most premier independently owned Driving Instructor Training establishments in the Country.

Why Train to be a Driving Instructor?

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is one of the main reasons. The profound benefit of you becoming a Driving Instructor is the difference you can make on a pupil's life. The feeling of achievement of getting them through their driving test, helping them to obtain a milestone in their live, which they will never forget, to help build their confidence. Do you like meeting and interacting with people? Would you like to be your own boss, not having someone looking over your shoulder? If the answer is 'yes', then being a Driving Instructor is for you. Being a Driving Instructor comes with the benefits of: Flexible hours Clean, relaxed, working environment Secure future High income. So, if you would like to earn a good income doing a job you love, start training as a Driving Instructor.

You work the hours You Want

You work the hours you want Generally being a Driving instructor allows you a great deal of flexibility in the hours you work. You might choose to work around your family, or social commitments, or even work part time – the choice is yours! It's nice just to be able to take an afternoon off, to go to your child's school play or to the gym. .

Previous experience, qualifications not required

This is one of the few industry's that do not require formal qualifications.Previous experience and qualifications not required This is one of the few industries that does not require formal qualifications. The D.V S.A. (Driving Vehicles Standards Agency) requires that anyone wishing to train as a driving instructor has no more than 6 penalty points on their licence, have held a valid full UK licence for at least 3.5 years, and meet the physical criteria required to safely control a vehicle. All that is required is to be personable, be a competent driver, have the willingness to undertake your driving instructor training and apply the effort needed, good communication skills, to be calm and patient. A sense of humour definitely helps.

Earnings potential

Once you have trained to be a Driving Instructor your potential earnings are in your hands. You are in charge of amount of hours you teach and the price you charge for your driving lessons. The average price of a driving lesson is between £30 to £35, this is a little dependent on the area you're teaching in. Do your sums carefully, remember there are expenses to take into account; but in the long run you can earn very good money working flexible hours.

So who are we !

Access is a family run business that has been trading successfully for 26 years in the learner market alongside the Driving Instructor training industry in Leicester, Hinckley, and throughout Leicestershire. We have excelled in both fields. Our main strengths are our teaching techniques, and the personal one-to-one approach towards our trainee Driving Instructors. Nowhere throughout the industry in training Driving Instructors will you find a team that will be more committed to your success.

Our Driving Instructor trainers excel in every sphere of driving instructor training. Teaching, a positive attitude, commitment, aptitude, and their ability to get you through your tests. Our reputation is built on results Our Driving Instructor trainers excel in every sphere of driving instructor training. Teaching, a positive attitude, commitment, aptitude, and their ability to get you through your tests. All our Instructor trainers are: D.V.S.A. approved Institute of Advanced Motorist Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Members of the MSA Driving instructors association D.V.S.A. approved Institute of Advanced Motorist Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Members of the MSA Driving instructors association

Below is the process of becoming, and training to be a Driving Instructor: You can train at your own pace with our tried and tested modern, straight forward training methods that consistently lead to the success for trainee Driving Instructors of all ages and abilities. Upon deciding to train with Access Instructor Training you will begin a logical, structured training program on a one-to-one basis with your trainer. Some trainees complete the course very quickly, but you may choose to study at a more measured pace - we can help you plan your studies to take into account your outside commitments, like the needs of your children, or an existing job. Throughout, you will be taught and supported by your trainer, who will be totally committed to your success. If you think driving instruction is for you, but you are not sure whether your driving is up to standard, don't worry! If you want an assessment please contact us, it is your attitude and communication skills that matter the most.

Our training is designed to merge with the Driving Standards Agency's three-part exam. It makes common sense to me to complete and pass each exam in turn before moving on to the training for the next one. Please let me explain this a little more. You have to take the 3 exams in turn. The exam waiting times vary, but don't quote me on this. Exam 1 you could book a date quite quickly, say 2/3 weeks, exam 2 on average about 8 weeks, exam 3 this is the biggy could be any where from a week to 12 weeks. Don't believe me? call the Driving Standards Agency and ask them when their earlist test date for a part 3 is. Anyway my point is your success rate will increase ten fold if you spread Your training out. Why do all 3 parts of Your training in 2 weeks before You have even taken an Exam. Surely it makes more sense to train leading up to each exam, or maybe I'm old fashioned.


You can take the Part 1 test as many times as you need to, or as many times you want to chuck £60.00 odd at it. Although most people do pass first time. You do not need to be in a class room, we have used a home study course successfully for years. If you need a class room or a teacher for part 1, well maybe this is not for you. Once You pass Part 1 the clock starts ticking, you have 2 years from this point to pass the final 2 exams. Plenty of time ( you think ). You can have up to three attempts at passing Parts 2 and 3 and then your out. In the unlikely event you did fail parts 2 or 3 three times you would have to wait 2 years from when you passed your part 1 to start again.

Your Trainer will advise you when you are ready for the exam thus giving you the best chance of passing. We'll do all we can to make sure you pass!

.......Access Driving Instructor Training............................................. Driving Instructor Training Hand Book


Part one / Theory exam Takes place at a Driving Standards Agency examination centre, usually in a major town or city, and consists of 100 multiple choice questions on subjects including: 1. Road procedure 2. Car control 3. Basic mechanical knowledge 4. Highway Code 5. Instruction techniques The exam is computer based in two parts, the Theory Test and Hazard Perception. This is a very similar set up to the theory test learners have to do; although, at this standard the questions may appear to be more and harder, most of the questions if you have been driving for a while are based common sense and your existing driving experience. You will need to study though for the ones that are not. The subjects are arranged into four bands, each with an 80% pass mark. The overall pass mark for part 1 is 85%. Hazard perception test. You will watch 14 video clips of every day road situations, the idea is to spot the developing hazard and click as soon as you see it. In 1 of the clips it will have 2 developing hazards, You score max 5 points for each developing hazard. Pass rate is 57 out 75. You are given 1 1/2 hours to complete the test, but most people finish early. Best of all, 99% of our students pass first time! I have never known anyone training with us ultimately not to pass this test.

Part 2 / Driving ability Exam

You get in-car training to totally fit in with your requirements, on average 10 to 15 hours is more than adequate to bring a candidates driving up to standard. Mock test scenario, plus final test preparation. In between the in-car training, you Must practice and adopt Part 2 style as your normal way of driving. If you don't You will Fail.

A Driving Standards Agency Supervising Examiner conducts the driving and eyesight test. The test is approximately an hour long. You are expected to drive in a business-like, disciplined manner along a varied route showing your ability to manoeuvre and control the car safely.

There is no comparison between this test and Your original learner test, apart from they are both in a car. The maximum minor faults you are allowed to make is 6. This is an advanced driving test and needs the commitment it deserves. The good news is with Access Instructor Training 90% of our Trainees pass 1st time 4% 2nd 1% 3rd no one as ever struck out on this Exam with us. Now that's impressive, over a 15 year period.

Again if Your still apprehensive about your driving, give us a call we will give you a free assessment as long as you travel to us.

Approved Driving Instructor Badges and Training Driving Instructor

Part 3 / The teaching Exam.

In preparation for the final test, Part 3 is where we teach you how to teach others, and again we give you as much support and help with the course work as we can to maximize your chances of success. The prior Instructor Training you have received and the Exams you have passed were mere stepping stones to this final phase.

In-car training, this includes extensive role-play by your trainer to prepare you for the many scenarios the examiner could play. You will receive in-car training to totally fit in with your requirements, on average 30 to 40 hours is adequate to bring a candidates knowledge up to part three standard. I have taught Trainee Driving Instructors in a lot less time than this and also a lot more time than this. It really depends on Your communication skills.

The Finish Line

Takes place in-car and is approximately one hour long, split into two stages and consists of two role playing exercises. Your examiner will paint a word picture for you, describing what kind of pupil he or she will be playing, for example what experience he or she has. You then teach the examiner whilst in the car. This test is designed to mirror a real life driving lesson. This is the most demanding part of the overall exam procedure

Spending more than a couple of hours in a class room Instructor Training for this exam is a waste of time. Your training needs to be 99 % in car on a one to one ratio.

The examiner will give you a brief before hand, selecting any of the following subjects of instruction.

Phase 1 Beginner Partly Trained Phase 2 Trained
1. Controls. Crossroads.
2. Moving off / Stopping. Meet cross overtake.
3 Turn in the road. Turning left or right.
4 Reversing. Emerging.
5 Emergency stop. Progress / Hesitancy.
6 Pedestrian crossings. Reverse parking.
7 Turning left or right corners. Pedestrian crossing.
8 Emerging. Meet cross overtake.
9 Crossroads. Pedestrians crossing
10 Meet cross overtake. Progress / Hesitancy.

When you pass, you become a fully Qualified Driving Instructor. In 15 years I could name the Trainees that have failed with us, unfortunately it was all for the same reasons. They did not maintain their training.

If you would like an assessment please call us, I can't guarantee it will be free, but it could save you a lot of money in the long term.



Ok the painful Part.

Our fees

Part 1 £99.00 Complete home study course with full tutor back up.

Part 2 £30.00 per hour,

Part 3 £30.00 per hour.

Please remember there are also exam fees.

Please also remember part 1 is the only money you pay up front, all other fees are paid as and when you take the training.


Thank you for taking the time to read this page, I hope you have found the information interesting. I wish you every success on your possible chosen career, If you want any advice please contact us.